Mums Physiotherapy
Welcome, I’m Meera Joshi, a women’s health physiotherapist, and I’m here to support you through every stage of your pregnancy and beyond. Whether you’re preparing for baby, navigating the changes during pregnancy, or recovering postpartum, my goal is to help you feel empowered, stronger, and healthier.
Let’s work together to make your journey smoother and more confident every step of the way.

At MUMs Physiotherapy, we believe in empowering you every step of the way. We’ll build your core and pelvic floor strength to prepare your body for the demands of pregnancy and labor. With the right support and guidance, you’ll feel stronger, more confident, and ready to embrace the challenges of childbirth.
Once baby arrives, we’ll be with you every step of your postpartum journey, providing the tools and support you need to reclaim your strength, confidence, and control. So you can enjoy the life you’ve designed.

Healthy Happy Confident
We know that reaching out for help can feel difficult and uncomfortable, especially when you’re dealing with challenges that may feel overwhelming. No matter what you’re going through, we want you to know you’re not alone. You can always contact us, and we will do our best to listen, guide, and support you through whatever you need. We’re here to help you every step of the way.
MUMs Physiotherapy aims to give women confidence in exercise and wellbeing. Read our clients experience
During my pregnancy I was having really bad groin pain. I wasn’t sure if it was normal in pregnancy. Meera did a virtual assessment and gave me regular sessions to help stretch the area and remove rightness from my lower back. In 6 week I was felt a lot better and knew exactly what to do if it ever came on again.
Thank you for teaching me so much about my body and pregnancy along the way!!
I was recommended mums physiotherapy by a friend. I was struggling with incontinence post 4 months partum after my second baby and I wasn’t sure what to do. Meera helped me understand my Pelvic floor and how to activate it. We did 1 to 1 session every 2 weeks and I was prescribed an exercise plan too. After a month I noticed a difference and in no time it was gone. I’m so relieved it didn’t become a chronic condition.
I would say I didn’t expect therapy to be so fun. The conversations we had and the questions you were asking me during the rehab. Allowing me to think about what I wanted and how I wanted to navigate my post partum period and my mindset.
You were amazing!!!
I heard about Meera through a nct class and I live in Hertfordshire but she offered virtual services which was so helpful. I had diastasis recti so I wanted to be seen by an expert in this not a general physio. I was really scared of making it worse. She was so calm and professional. I manage to rehab it and 9 months postpartum
I am back to the gym and all my classes. Thank you so much.
Meera was excellent!! She not only helped me feel fit and strong throughout my entire pregnancy but also helped me with my mindset. She brought so much passion and enthusiasm to me and my pregnancy. So thank you!
Thank you for the best pregnancy advice and guidance around gym and exercise. I exercised all the way to week 37. Still lifting weights and doing light cardio.
Thank you Meera for being so wonderful! You made my postnatal period feel easier after my c section. I was so confused about what I can and cannot do and you clarified it for me and now 7 months on I am back to running and gyming. You really helped me feel confident in myself again.